Insomnia News From Medical News Today

How to treat Insomnia #3.

You Can Beat Insomnia with this Intensive Drug-Free Program!

  • What’s wrong with you?’ – ‘Errmmm, just a late night, that’s all
  • You look exhausted!’ – ‘Oh right, ermm…got a bit of a cold
  • What’s wrong with her? – (Oh God, they’re talking about me again)
  • He looks shattered’ – (Well, I feel shattered!)
  • Have you been out late drinking again?’ – ‘Yeah, late night on the town
  • She looks like she could use with some sleep’ – (Great, thanks for noticing)
Can you really let it go on any longer?

Do you want to think about it anymore?
Do you want to spend tonight lying awake wondering, pondering and torturing yourself further?
Do you want to spend another lonely, dark and depressing night with nothing but your thoughts spiraling around in your head and hearing the clock tick away any chance of sleep you have left?

This is what you’ll get in the book:
  • An intensive six-week program which will ensure that you attain deep refreshing sleep every night
  • Complete guide in applying and reinforcing positive habits to send you into dreamland in no time
  • How vital sleep is for the body and mind and how continuing to suffer insomnia can damage your mental and physical health
  • How the sleep cycle works and how a good nights sleep doesn‘t just begin as soon you rest your head on your pillow
  • Why most people fail to combat insomnia and how you can get the edge and conquer insomnia with ease
  • Highly effective and proven techniques to beating insomnia
  • Increase your brain power, physical energy, motivation, concentration and more
How to beat Insomnia ? The secrets of a good nights sleep REVEALED !

How to treat Insomnia #1

Some of the natural cures that Dr. Joe Graedon recomends in this video are:

  • - a hot bath
  • - a snack before going to bed(milk, cereals, honey)
  • - melatonin
  • - lavender
  • - accupresure point from Ancient China
  • - magnezium

What causes Insomnia ?

There are many possible causes of insomnia. Sometimes there is one main cause, but often several factors interacting together will cause a sleep disturbance. The causes of insomnia include:
  • Psychological causes
  • Physical causes
  • Temporary events or factors

Psychological Causes

In many people, insomnia can be the result of:
  • Anxiety, a condition in which individuals feel increased tension, apprehension, and feelings of helplessness, fear, worry, and uncertainty. This may be due to the effects that other people at work have on us, financial worries, concerns over relationships outside work or numerous other causes.
  • Stress, or how effectively a person copes with any emotional, physical, social, economic, or other factor that requires a response or change.
  • Depression, a mood disturbance characterized by feelings of sadness, despair, and discouragement.
In addition, a lack of a good night's sleep can lead to these very same psychological problems, and a vicious cycle can develop. Professional counseling from a doctor, therapist, or sleep specialist can help individuals cope with these conditions.

Physical Causes

The physical causes of insomnia include the following:

  • Hormonal changes in women. These include premenstrual syndrome, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause.
  • Medical conditions. These include allergies, arthritis, asthma, heart disease, high blood pressure, hyperthyroidism, and Parkinson's disease.
  • Pain. Pain and discomfort from a medical illness or injury often interfere with sleep.
  • Genetics. Problems with insomnia do seem to run in some families, although researchers have yet to identify how genetics play a role.
  • Other sleep disorders. These include sleep apnea A sleep disorder characterized by periods when breathing temporarily stops; the person is momentarily unable to move respiratory muscles or maintain an air flow through the nose and mouth. (in which one temporarily stops breathing during sleep) and periodic leg and arm movements during sleep (in which one's muscles excessively twitch or jerk).

Temporary Events Or Factors

Short-term insomnia can be linked to events and factors that are often temporary, such as:
  • Adjustment sleep disorder. This form of sleeplessness is a reaction to change or stress. It may be caused by a traumatic event such as an illness or loss of a loved one, or a minor event such as a change in the weather or an argument with someone.
  • Jet lag. Air travel across time zones often causes brief bouts of insomnia.
  • Working the night shift or long shifts. Individuals who work at night and those who work long shifts may have trouble adjusting their sleep habits.
  • Medications. Insomnia can be a side effect of various medications, both prescription and over-the-counter.
  • Overuse of caffeine and alcohol. Caffeine most commonly disrupts sleep. While a drink or two before bed may help a person relax, more than that can lead to fragmented sleep and wakefulness a few hours later.
  • Environmental noise, extreme temperatures, or a change in a person's surrounding environment.

What Is Insomnia ?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized by difficulty falling and/or staying asleep. People with this sleep disorder have one or more of the following insomnia symptoms:
  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Waking up often during the night and having trouble going back to sleep
  • Waking up too early in the morning
  • Feeling tired upon waking
  • Sleepiness during the day
  • Irritability and problems with concentration or memory
Insomnia can cause problems during the day, such as excessive sleepiness, fatigue, trouble thinking clearly or staying focused, or feeling depressed or irritable. It is not defined by the number of hours you sleep every night.

Although the amount of sleep a person needs varies, most people need between 7 and 8 hours of sleep a night.